Thursday, September 11, 2008


My little baby Levi has celebrated his 2nd birthday now. While I marvel daily at his new accomplishments and constant growth, I'm feeling a sense of loss too. I'm loosing my baby. He's disappearing and a talkative, opinionated, determined, adventurous, little boy is beginning to emerge. I am *SO* making a conscious effort to savor all his remaining babyness. I'm soaking it all in as much as I can. Happy Birthday, my little guy! You are amazing. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, PRECIOUS!


Krisinda said...

OMG - when did he grow up?! Not that I'm one to baby is right behind him! He is such a cutie - love the hair! :)

Anonymous said...

Now I can leave comments, it wasn't letting me last night! I like the new blog!

Anonymous said...

Levi is so cute and he has the best hair....seriously.